Sunday, January 25, 2009

Embrace the Snowy Day

The other day was filled with warmth and sunshine, a rare day in January, but I couldn't embrace it. I was filled with grief and couldn't enjoy the day. Today, however, is a different story. I'm still sad, still miss my sister, but the grief has receded for the moment.

I know I'm in the minority, but I was delighted when I looked outside my window this morning and saw our car covered with a light covering of snow. Of course it helps that I don't have to drive anywhere; maybe my outlook would be different if I had to clear off the car and use it.

I considered going out to lunch with Mr. B. but after thinking about it for another minute I decided lunch inside my own house sounded better. Besides, we've been invited to The Manor (aka my mother's house) for potato soup (do you know, I always want to add an e to the end of "potato", thank goodness for spell check), so we'll be walking over there in the snow later this evening. I don't want to go empty-handed, so I shall bake some cookies for dessert (another near-misspelling -- I had "desert" instead of "dessert" at first; at least this time I caught the mistake myself). Today is a good day for chocolate chip cookies and potato (oops, there's that e again) soup, not necessarily in that order.

Let the snow fly where it may; it won't stop me. I am embracing this day.


  1. I'm glad you are embracing the snowy day--here in Siberia we are utterly sick of it! I am very envious of your dinner plans. I did have a hearty dinner of homemade stew and cornbread, but the company of all of you would have been nice. February can't get here too soon.

  2. I miss you, Golden Girl. I thought of you when I wrote that entry and wished you could be here sharing the soup instead of reading about it. Looking forward to seeing you in February. :-)
